Our Passion
Jesus Christ- the way, the truth, and the life. (John 14:6)
People think that by being a ‘good’ person they will go to heaven when they die, however this is NOT TRUE! Perhaps you think you are a good person and good enough to go to heaven. If you do, are you brave enough to answer the following questions to see if your claim is true?
1. Have you ever told a lie? YES/NO
2. Have you ever stolen anything?
(Regardless of the value!) YES/NO
3. Have you ever been angry at someone? YES/NO
4. Have you ever looked at someone with lust in your heart? YES/NO
(In God’s eyes, anger is equal to murder and looking with lust is called adultery of the heart! Matthew 5)
We have just looked at 4 out of the 10 commandments in the Bible!
To test yourself on all of the 10 commandments see Exodus 20.
How did you do? Most of us, if we were honest, would have to admit to being a liar, thief, a murderer and an adulterer! When we die God will judge us by His standard of ‘good’ (the 10 commandments), not by our standard. The Bible says that God will punish all liars, thieves, murderers, and adulterers in the lake, which burns with fire! (Revelation 21:8) The Bible says that the wages of sin (sin is breaking God’s law) is death. Every one of us has broken God’s law and we all deserve death as punishment. There is none that are good! (Romans 3:23; 6:23 and Psalm 14:3)
There is GOOD NEWS!
Jesus was God in human flesh and He lived on this earth 2000 years ago and kept the law perfectly because we couldn’t keep it.
Jesus loved us so much the He died on a cross and took the punishment for our sin.
He rose from the dead proving that He has victory over death and that He is who He said He is…GOD! All we have to do is REPENT (which means turn our back on sin and turn to Jesus) and put our trust in Jesus and what He did for us on the cross.
Your own goodness will not get you into heaven.
If you know you have broken God’s law, pray something like this:
Dear God,
Today I turn away from all of my sins and I put my trust in you to save me. This day I make you my Lord and Savior. Teach me how to live and reveal yourself to me from this day on. Change my heart and grant me everlasting life. I thank you that Jesus took my punishment on the cross. Help me to live for you. (Romans 10:10-13) Amen.
If you prayed that from your heart please let us know by contacting us here.
We encourage you to begin attending a good Bible-believing church and developing relationships with others that are truly following the Lord Jesus Christ. Spend some time each day reading from the Bible (the New Testament book of John is a great place to start). Talk to the Lord every day in prayer, giving thanks to Him for what He has done in your life, and letting Him know your needs. Lastly, share with others what He has done in your life.