Evangelism Training
“Some wish to live within the sound of a chapel bell; I wish to run a rescue mission within a yard of hell.” – C.T. Studd
We feel that the Lord has called us to “lay Biblical foundations” for Christ. To train & equip laborers for God’s end time harvest. We do this through:
We feel that part of what God has called us to do is “lay foundations”. One of those foundation stones is learning how to share our faith in Christ. Jesus said we are to be His witnesses.
The Czech Republic is a nation that is 69% Atheist/Agnostic according to the 2011 government census. Many believers feel very intimidated when sharing their faith, which is understandable. But we have found that when we give them the “tools”, training, and knowledge they discover the joy & power of the Holy Spirit as Jesus promised in Acts 1:8. As part of our Bible School training and Church planting we conduct evangelism training. Practical, ”how to do it” training.
We wanted to share a short video with you of one of our training sessions.
We have found that in this season in Europe, and more specifically here in Czech Republic, that people do not flock to large stadiums for evangelistic gospel crusades. So, rather than invest large amounts of funds into methods that don’t work at this time we go to the streets and do “one-on-one” evangelism.
We train and work with teams of believers who have a passion to share the life changing message of Christ. Often, in a Saturday morning outreach at a busy square, we can give out several thousand gospel tracts. Plus, we are able to speak personally with many people. It can be challenging but also very rewarding.
I remember speaking to one young man who had never heard the gospel. He thought Jesus was some dead guy hanging on a cross in a church. He had never heard the story of God’s love for mankind and more specifically him.
This is just one example of why we are compelled to go..
“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?
Romans 10:13-14 (NLT)