Internet Evangelism
“We talk of the Second Coming; half the world has never heard of the first.” – Oswald J. Smith
We feel that the Lord has called us to “lay Biblical foundations” for Christ. To train & equip laborers for God’s end time harvest. We do this through:
About the Project
We have received permission & are working on translating a TV program called 360° Degree Life, created and produced by Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, OK. This is a program that speaks to many issues in people’s lives with an evangelistic thrust. We are adding Czech subtitles to launch the broadcast via Internet TV in Czech Republic. We are also exploring dubbing it for Slovakia in cooperation with a Christian Television broadcaster in Slovakia. You can visit the website at
Why Subtitles?
Many of the new movies that come out in theaters are initially done with subtitles. So this is not something unusual to Czechs or Slovaks. We will eventually do dubbing as funds are available for the project since it is much more involved.
Click Play below for a promo video of the program: