Bible Schools
Laying Foundations for Christ
We feel that the Lord has called us to “lay Biblical foundations” for Christ. To train & equip laborers for God’s end time harvest. We do this through:
One of the commands Jesus gave us is to go and ‘make disciples’. One of the strategies the Lord has led us to utilize in helping accomplish this is Bible schools. We have seen many people’s lives transformed as they have sat in Bible school on a regular basis. We challenge them to not only be “hearers” but “doers” of God’s Word.
Our lives were changed by a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. But we also know that life doesn’t stop there. Really it just begins…the journey of a lifetime with the Master.
There are many believers that have never really taken the time to sit at the Master’s feet and become established in their faith. The Bible calls them ‘Baby’ Christians. They struggle through life going from one crisis to another. The Bible is clear that this is not God’s plan.
God’s plan is that believers would grow spiritually and become mature in their walk with the Master. Bible school provides essential foundations for that growth process. Growth that leads to mature believers who can impact their families and their nations for God. Growth that leads to fulfilled destinies…..
Listen to testimonies from Bible school students and a pastor we work with.